Time Of Judgment
August 14, 2011
Stories of a great "judgment"
Oppress me...
Offend me...
Like some strange philosophy that permits
Kicking blind people...
Or torturing the sick...
Or beating children...
Or leaving the weeping
To cry alone in the dark.
No. It could not be this.
Seems to me... that...
It has always been inevitable...
To those prophets of old days...
Those prophets
That yearned for genuine understanding...
Those prophets knew
That there would come a day
When truth and fact would flourish...
And all things would be revealed...
And we could finally understand
All the things of the world...
All about ourselves...
All about our lives on this earth...
And when those days came
There would be a great sorting out
Of fact... and fiction...
Of myth... and science...
And like a great battle...
The powers of the secure
And yet... dark... past...
And the powers of... new truths...
Would wrestle...
Would sort...
Would compel the truths of life
Out of our yearning minds...
Like... giving birth to a new man...
A new man
Whose life is based on truth...
Who rises... in the light...
Who now can live
With genuine understanding.
It is a fearful thing
To discover that we really ARE...
We really ARE... creatures of light...
That we will not be forever lost...
That we are not hopelessly flawed...
That we will not always need help...
From God, or priests...
To keep us safe from damnation...
To cast spells for us
To protect us from a fearful fate.
The time of judgment...
Is not sorting goats from sheep...
Or sinners from the lucky ducks...
Such things are surely vanity...
The time of judgment
Is the passing
From the darkness into the light
And all the turmoil
That this event would surely entail.
It was predictable...
And it was... predicted.
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