The Unholy

September 22, 2014

I heard screams in the distance.

Was this a horse... being tortured...?
Perhaps caught in a vicious animal trap...?
Was that gaity... laughing... amusement...?
Were they just odd coincidences of sound
Merging to where I was
So that they seemed... a part of each other...
A part of... some horrible torture by children...?

Or... was this human... screaming...??
While the neighborhood watched their soap operas
Or their favorite political pundits...?
A sound totally unexpected and out of place
In the quiet of this tree-lined contented street...?
Was it human torture...?

And I had visions of human suffering...
Traveling to me from the other side of the world...
As if... someone somewhere... had let that scream out
And the sound of it traveled... and landed...
At my doorstep.

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