The Twist

September 2, 2011

Lots of words and poetry...
Pictures, noise, music strains, and pauses...
All with meanings... or not...
Perhaps just a twist of thought
Because it sounded so right...
Perhaps a cute turn of phrase
That was considered... catchey.

Lots of thoughts and meanings
For those who wish to explore
Depths they may never really see.

It is good exercise for the mind
To feel your way through the maze
Of possibilities... of possible truths...
That have been woven into words
And music... and pictures...
For all to see...
For few to really understand.

We do the twist every day
And may not ever know it...
The spark of light
May not inspire the eye...
The clue... may not be clear...
The hint... may not be realized...
But the twists are there...
And we... are used... and played...
As a backdrop for fools.

You must do the twist...
You must twist those words...
Those pictures...
Those pauses...
Those lyrics...
Those meanings...
Until you squeeze out of it
The real juice...
The meaning...
Because... because...
Because you know it is there
And you chase after it
Like dogs after rabbits.

In the end...
It is all the same...
A collection of... possibles...
A box of... maybies...
A feast of... uncertainties...
Waiting... waiting...
For the moment of discovery
When the junk is seen
And... the truth...

Without it
All there is... is junk...
Pretty music to fill your days...
To feed you poisons...
To sap your mind...
To make you think
You are on the verge of enlightenment...
Really leaving you with nothing
But a collection of glass bobbles...

Glass bobbles...
Unless you have the key...
To twist into the lock.

Poetry Index
