The Lights and the Music
June 12, 2011
I braced myself... for the wind...
As I left the house
And turned to lock the door.
It was rainy... and gave you a chill...
But I wanted to just take a walk.
I was alone... like always.
The cold rain... felt so real...
But... I walked like I do...
With my head high.
I decided to walk towards town.
I didn't expect anyone
Out... on a night like this...
When surely it was warmer
At their nice... homes...
With a fine fire going
In their cozy dens...
Watching TV... like everyone else.
Most places were already closed...
Even the owner home in bed.
I smelled the dirty oil of the street
As it mixed with the breath of the rain...
Familiarity making it seem...
Almost pleasant.
Another stoplight... and I turn...
Not even sure where I was any more.
Time to just go home.
I took a turn...
And another...
And even... another.
I decided to take... one last turn.
Lights! and music!
Lights and music?
There was... lights and music?
How did I not hear this...
When I was turning... turning... turning...
And... going... home...
And... going... home...
And... going... home...
And... turning.
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