Solid Spot
June 21, 2011
Seagulls... at sea...
Following the wind...
Swooping low...
Then rising...
Then swooping...
Riding on the wind.
Far from shore...
Two struck out
Towards cliffs...
Towards... home...
Swooping and rising...
Then landing.
Like a surprise...
These breathless birds
Glancing around...
Here... then there...
And there...
Then... looking at each other...
A long surprised glance...
Both... like a strange surprise...
And chirped... a low funny chirp...
Both... surprised...
They turned to gaze out to sea...
And rested.
They looked at each other again.
The wind blew the ocean mist...
Landing at their feet.
But they stood strong
For that moment...
Despite the surf...
And held themselves
To that safe spot...
To that solid place.
And... as if in frightful wonder
Of that strange moment...
Briefly feeling that sureness...
That safe spot...
They took flight...
As if flight were the only sure thing...
Flight... the only home...
As if the sea
Were the only truth.
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