How many lives have been wasted?
How much suffering has been endured?
While those who would seek the answers
Were distracted by the folly...
Distracted by the compellings of the times...
Distracted like mice to a pied piper
Claiming saints and heroes, but...
Who had no answer, but...
Who silenced their answers...
Who silenced... any answer...
So convinced of supremecy...
And all sides at the fault.
State of war...
State of hate...
Only propagates a nightmare...
A world where nothing is right
And everyone is wrong.
The goal indistinguishable
From the result.
Who is there to answer
When there is no answer?
Who do we call...
When everyone is wrong...
When everyone is compelled
Into a state of hate.
Left, right, and in-between
All are wrong.
And once again
Might makes right
And the world must suffer again...
And again...
While the answers go unheeded.
Who do I call?
Who is there to tell...
When all have chosen a nightmare...
Based their very souls on lies...
Resolved themselves into their own blindness
And forsaken all that is worth saving...
And all sides at the fault.
Like a rape...
It all has been.
Going against the grain...
Force against reason...
Speed against care...
Power against human feeling...
Adulteries and betrayals...
Nothing sacred or spared...
Til all lie exhausted in the dirt...
None satisfied...
Nothing accomplished but hate...
And victims everywhere.
The delusions are overwhelming here.
Nothing is really comprehensible or believable.
Cute, funny, and entertaining
As opposed to chosen ignorance
A torrid soup of nightmares...
Indigestible excretions of hate
And unending judgment
For the world to feast upon
Only to leave them empty
And embittered...
Shaken and puking...
Whether yours, mine, or theirs...
All is corrupted...
All beauty is disgraced...
The goal indistinguishable
From the result...
And all sides at the fault.
I can't be a part of either...
Neither the up nor the down.
I hold no allegience to any...
For their claws destroy all light
And they sink their own ships
With their poundings on the gentle heart.
I cannot...
Be any part of such a nightmare.
To be a part of it
Would be to betray all that is human...
Betray all who lay victim...
Even the wretches who claim the might...
Even the wretches who claim the right...
Even the powerful who claim destiny.
I must hold onto the light...
For to extinguish it... is absolute darkness...
To empower a nightmare...
Would only ensure absolute doom.
Too much work needs to be done
To play these games...
Work that has been abandoned now
While all sink in their folly.
And all you had to do was ask.
All you had to do was... save beauty.
All you had to do was... be men.
Failing this...
Your cost has proven irrepairable.
And all are at the fault.
How long does it take mankind to find its sanity...
How long does it take a planet to become unhinged?
It's all part of truth.
Neither side will win.
All will lose.
All have... lost.