Leaps and Bounds
June 23, 2011
Traversing in leaps and bounds...
The strange dream that it was...
That I still remember, now.
Landing... so low... low... low...
Then... finally...
Hitting a spring...
And rising so high... high...
Like a magnificent acrobat
Who had mastered the air...
Feeling the height...
Then feeling again...
The low... coming...
The low... coming...
Placing my feet just... so...
Just... so...
To catch the spring...
To catch the spring just right...
So that my next leap would be straight...
So that I didn't tumble...
As I mastered the mountain beneath me.
Leaps and bounds...
The only way to master mountains.
There seems to be a skill to it...
To keeping your balance...
When you scale the leaps...
When you navigate the bounds...
To catch the spring...
To rise... still straight...
To return... with grace...
To measure the height...
To discern the fall...
To keep your strength...
When the bound is a hard hit...
And catch that leap...
And rise with it...
And master that mountain...
Then... as you begin to rise...
Seeing the next... mountain...
And... figuring out...
How to master it.
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