Poetry & Essay Index

Just A Note

November 2, 2014

It happens sometimes
That I find myself at a disagreement
With someone...
Sometimes I'm insulted
And the person doesn't even know
Doesn't even realize
And I'm taken aback for a moment...
Not to argue.

Sometimes... I see...
That something just must be said...
That... to not speak...
Would be negligent and dismissive.

But... what to say.

It happens sometimes that...
I leave just a note...
A word...
An expression in my eyes...
A point to... anything near...
To say...
I know...
You were wrong...
But it's all cool now...
And... if the person doesn't get it now...
There may well be a time
When... a light is lit...
And they know I understood
But... it was cool...

Poetry & Essay Index

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