Poetry & Essay Index

In The Sanctuary

1980's (?)

Tread carefully here...
Prepare for holiness...
Look not on it with human eyes...
The core of creation...
Touches you.

The... all...
The complete knowledge...
The... all...
The blood of life...
That flows through all...
Touches here.

Ugly beauty touches you...
The blood of life...
The wholeness of being...
All that life holds...
The depths of the horrid...
The heights of the joys...
Consumed into all that is...
And is given to you...
In a gentle touch.

A piece...
A glimpse...
An ethereal grasp...
A mana...
A whole truth...
Gently passes through...
To touch the gentle human heart.

To accept life...
You must know the beauty of the ugly...
And the ugliness of beauty...
The ugly beauty touches here...
The blood of life.

The wholeness of life
Is not in understanding...
Or in the body...
It is the soul of you...
Know it.

Untouched by partial understanding...
Not to be understood
But by the "I Am"...
Grasped in the physical
Is only partially grasped...
The purity of a soul...
Can hold it...
But never... have it.

Such beauty...
Is not demeaned.
Your vanity is mocked here.

It is enough to live life
As it is given to you...
And to watch creation
Unfold around you.
Life begets gifts.
Touch it with reverance.

Know your place in creation...
Know what you are...
Know your soul...
Know life...
Vanity blinds...
Trespasses trip you...
Your soul longs to live...
In peace and silence...
Let it.

Tread carefully here...
Eternal truth touches here...
You will see what you have done...
To yourself...
To others...
To beauty...
And mourn your beautiful soul.
You may grieve forever...
The beauty you made so ugly...
The beauty you might have had.
You were made so...

Poetry & Essay Index

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