Poetry & Essay Index

Guessing Games


Hmm, sounds... familiar.
Sounds... just like me.
That's odd.
What could it mean?

Was that sly comment... a message?
Was that opinion... from a friend?
Twist it just a little... and...
One could believe... anything.
Just because it's familiar
Does not mean it is friendly.
Fact... could well mean otherwise.

One could get lost in... wondering...
Wondering why a thing was said.
All the hundreds of possibilities
Sweep in... make my mind ache.
One single word
Can be taken so many ways...
And here there are... so many words.

One word might be... right on point...
Odd and so true...
But that does not mean that all the words
Are a mentioning of me...
Especially when there are...
So many words...
And so many listening.

I can no longer bear to hear it.
Keep your advice and your clues...
To yourself.

Like a strange torture...
The words wrap themselves around my thoughts...
Forcing me to wonder... where it came from...
Forcing me to discover... some meaning...
Intimidating me...
Like a secret that is said to be known...
But which is never revealed.

What was that comment?
A message... from... who?
Said so I will decipher the clues as I please?
Like taking advice from a stranger
Who must never account...
Who must never explain...
Who leaves only... clues.

Friends?... or enemies?
Hard to tell...
When I am left to wonder
Without any real answer...
Unable to even ask... why.

Poetry & Essay Index

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