Forgive In Truth
For each of us
There will be a time...
When a light is lit...
And we will see
The beautiful thing that we were meant to be.
It may come on a day
When love beckons to us...
And we feel our losses...
What we stole from ourselves...
What got ripped and discarded...
What diminished our intellect...
What degraded our humanity...
What left us unworthy...
To be loved...
Like a beautiful thing
That was meant as a treasure
And was turned into rubbish...
A beautiful life
That got lost in the living.
The light of truth
Will cry out for redemption...
To save it from sinking
Back into the darkness...
That moment will come
Somewhere in our lives...
Or... in our deaths
(Where hope is not retrievable).
And that one human soul
That human...
That soul...
Will look for a hand
To climb out of the darkness...
Will look in despair
To climb out of the darkness...
That one human soul...
That human...
That soul...
That could have been beautiful...
Must find that faint light
That was left in the darkness...
That was given in blindness...
That was given in hope...
That high hope...
That someday...
That every human...
Will find its way back
From a road full of sadness...
From a road that got twisted
And distorted completely...
That hope that was given
That one human soul
That once lived in darkness...
Will one day...
That he was forgiven.
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