The cold night seemed colder
Without a moon
But the stars shined... so surely...
In that dark, dark sky.
I leaned against the tree
And scoped out the sky...
And the stars.
How was it
That they made those shapes...?
A lucky distance, perhaps...?
That allowed a dipper to form...?
Or a straight line...?
With a particular brightness...?
At just the right spot
So that you couldn't miss it...?
Or was it all... just... illusion.
As I watched...
The stars began to fall...
Looking like a meteor shower...
One here...
Then another there...
Breaking the darkness
Just for an instant...
To find its end
Somewhere in the sea...
Or desert...
Or some cow pasture
Out in Kansas.
Stars... or meteors... or ice rocks...
That had traveled millions of miles...
That had sucked up stardust
Across eons of time...
Came to their end
When they hit the far shores
Of my little planet... called Earth.
Stars... falling...
To their, oh, so humble, conclusions.