Poetry & Essay Index


June 3, 2011

I took a deep breath...
Picked up that heavy book...
And went... to look...
Webster's New World Dictionary...

I expected an extended definition
Like most every other word...
Details of how the word is used...
Numbers... 1... 2... 3...
Of all the ways that...
That a word can be construed...
Or how the word varies... from...
From... other similar words.

But... found... this...

"Courage (kur-ij), n.
OFr. from: L. cor, heart
the quality of being fearless or brave;
valor; pluck."

Courage had been defined
In just ten words.

Is... "horrified"... the word to describe it?
Amazed? Shocked? Bewildered?
The word that means EVERYTHING...
The only word that even comes close
To explaining... all that "being human"... is...
To defining... LIFE ITSELF...!
Was defined... in just ten words.

I have to remember...
From all that I've learned...
That there are many things in life...
The understanding of which
Is really... just too deeply beautiful
To ever... define...
To ever... completely understand...
Using... words.

Poetry & Essay Index

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