July 17, 2011
I don't believe in clubs.
Moreso than "let you in"
Leave you out.
I belong to life.
If you belong to life
Then... we... are friends.
No need to make a club.
No need to make rules.
No need to let in...
Or leave out.
More is lost
At the end of the day
When people segregate themselves
Away... from others...
As if...
As if... life itself
Was something foreign...
Was something special...
That only few understand.
Clubs evolve from an ignorance
That... that the truth
Is different...
For you... and me.
The truth is not different...
Only our illusions... are...
Only... our primitive idols.
Of all my evolving beliefs
This one has always been...
This one has always been clear...
I despise clubs.
They nullify the individual...
And they divide us
One... from the other.
They force the common denominator
Into its most simple...
And its lowest...
If the truth is not clear...
What is the use of any club
To defend it?
I look at the road behind me
And see a wasteland...
Strewn with the mumblings
And the clankings
Of... clubs...
Like children at play...
And... did I hear laughter...?
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