Poetry & Essay Index

Being Human


Human being... being human
What is this... this life?
Proud... straight... good... whole...
Sane... righteous... intact...
Humbled... bent... lost... purposeless...
Crazed... unlit... broken...
We walk together.

To reach down
To reach up
To reach out
To reach in
One lot in life... for all
To a light or to a dream
But human... human... all.

Baby, child, dreamer, changling,
Seeker, spouse, parent, elder...
All pieces... senses...
To have them full... whole... total.
Emptinesses wait to be filled
Til they wait no longer and turn to ruin
An instinct and yearning...
To fulfill life...
Perhaps always to feel...
A baby, a child, a dreamer, a changling,
A seeker, a spouse, a parent, an elder...
To reach up, down, out, and in...
At peace with all...
At peace with all.

Poetry & Essay Index

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