Seconds turn to minutes...
Minutes to hours...
Hours to days...
Days to weeks...
Weeks to months...
Months to all the years...
And within those
Days, months, and years
Are simple moments
When... in the chance of the feel...
When... in the feel of the moment...
When... in the breath of a wind...
We touch the light.
All is still
As we seem to catch a fleck of light...
As we see... without seeing...
In a moment so swift
That we don't really notice...
But... we notice...
A moment of truth...
Of light...
Of the sureness of the light...
An agreement...
One light to another...
One truth to another...
Like a prayer without words...
A truth without form...
A dream that is real...
That exists only in the moment...
Only in the fleck of the light.
A moment
Between you and the light...
Between you and a dream...
Between you...
And something divine.