Poetry & Essay Index

A Dance in the Moonlight

September 25, 2021

Dancers... we were...
In a slow-motion movie...
Me... respectful... asking to lean on you...
Then... leaning on your shoulder.
Not so comfortable to do
In the back seat of a VW Bug.

Then a graceful turnabout
And I was leaning against the car
When you pulled me towards you
With your arms... embracing me.
And we looked at each other
Square in the face... so close.

And the moonlight shone through the window.

I moved... to get the bright of it
Out of my eyes...
And you turned me... back to it...
To catch my eyes... again...
Shining in the moonlight.
I felt the bright of it
As I looked back at you.

Away now from the bright
You looked again into my eyes.
I moved up and kissed you.
Only a nice kiss it was.
Only... a nice kiss.

I looked at you again...
Perhaps a question in my eyes, now.
Did you... like my kiss?
You reached with your hand and took me...
Only for a moment.
And I let you...
Feeling no shame...
While your strong arm embraced me.

Poetry & Essay Index

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