A Bouquet
September 1, 2011
The bouquets at the grocery store
Were on sale... the older ones.
Still quite nice...
I picked one out.
Home... in the kitchen...
I opened the wrap
And laid it all out for cleaning.
I tossed the wilted pieces...
The torn and broken pieces...
Then washed the rest...
Careful of their blooms.
I recut the stems...
Trimmed the excess leaves and branching...
And put those remaining flowers and ferns
In a vase... with a touch of borax in the water.
There were three fully bloomed white roses...
Four pink carnations...
And an assortment of flowers...
I can't tell you the names...
Still... waiting to bloom...
Or in the stages of blooming.
I put that vase
Right in the middle of my counter top...
Where I could watch it
As the little flowers opened
And began to bloom...
Where I could enjoy
The beauty of the white roses...
And see the rest of the bouquet
Come to life...
Come into its own.
There was still much life
In that bouquet of flowers...
And work to do...
Much work to do...
Around the house.
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