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A Covenant With Truth

Chapter 5:   The Law of Wholeness

"To master something, one does not push down from the top...
one pushes up from the bottom."

As life came forth from the earth,
Each creature became attuned to its own ecosystem...
Its rhythms... and its harmonies.
Like a great emotional symphony of expressive life
Each merged into the complementary wholeness
Within which all lived, ate, bred, and died.
Beyond will... life emerged and merged
And moved towards harmony and perfection... and fulfillment.

It is within those unique ecosystems that mankind, too, emerged...
With agility and the power of reason...
...Emerged with the ability to dominate.

If life seeks wholeness and peace
What is mankind's part in this wholeness?

This material world that we touch and feel and see
Is... truth.
If it exists... it is truth.
If it impacts on other things... it is truth.
And within the larger realm of material truth
Resides the nature of truth.

Truth is not just what something is...
It is what something does.
The energy of each act enters into truth...
Like writing on a tablet of clay.
If it impacts on life... it becomes truth...
And when it becomes truth...
It enters into the wholeness of all that is.

There is a quality of beauty
That shines to us in the world.
Part of the wholeness of beauty is that it is seen and known,
Like animals who preen themselves in the anticipation of a mate.

The expressions of beauty in life speak to us
About a greater beauty yearning to be known...
Yearning to be marveled at and loved...
And yearning to be understood by a being of intellect.

Even with a powerful natural order at work,
Things happen that are out of order.
Aberrations can occur...
Failures, pestilence, disease, floods, and drought.
The planet needs personal tending
To understand these aberrations...
How or why they occur...
To make these ways straight...
To refine the beauty of creation...
And to make it a beautiful home
For all the creatures born into it...
And to ensure the continuation of life.

Intellect is needed in the world
To protect and heal the creatures...
To comfort... as an understanding presence...
To keep nature clean and to keep it healthy...
To help life remain in balance.

And... we can give the world a sense of what it is...
A sense that it doesn't have itself...
We can give life to life.
Mankind is needed... to fulfill peace.

Life on this planet is seeking truth...
Seeking peace... seeking wholeness.
Truth longs to be born.
Every failure... every aberration... every beauty...
Is a part of that truth being born...
Part of that bursting... unfolding... emerging... reaching...
That breathing... that seeking of beauty...
That giving of life one to another...
That path leading to Truth.
Beyond our own will...
Even as our human nature...
Humankind is the way, the truth, and the light to this vast world.

First... we must understand what it is that mankind is
And what it is that mankind is not.
First... we must find our own wholeness...
We must find our own... true sanity.
First, we should become worthy of our own intellect...!

Do we think that human beings are the only important thing
In the whole of creation..?
That creation lives to serve us...?
That it revolves around us...?
Or... do we think that by the power of our intellect
It is we who should be serving creation...?

Will we... be that shark in the waters
That grows so large that it devours all other life in its path...?
Will we... be the chaos that overwhelms the world...?
That nullifies natural order...?
That removes all that lives from its natural context...?
That removes the souls of all its creatures...?
And that will inevitably... end perpetual life...?

Un-wholeness is... unnatural.
And... our wholeness as human beings is incomplete.

Some may say that this world is mankind's for the taking...
To subdue... to dominate... to possess and to use.
And, yet... we can be akin to tyrants
Or we can be akin to wise masters.
Progress has never required violence... nor abuse... nor injustice...
Progress has only required mastery.

We must come to understand this world we live in.
We must learn to read the truth in life.
Wholeness is peace... and knowledge is peace.
Like a law... or an innate truth...
All life moves towards that wholeness and peace.

This law ... or truth... of wholeness...
Also applies in real time...
Among all the creatures...
But can best be described as it applies to human beings.

Peace... even sanity... comes from wholeness.
If one is not whole and at peace
It is portrayed in many ways,
But basically they are of two categories...
The need to impose oneself on another...
And the need to take pieces from another.

If one was to follow the law of wholeness...
To choose that oneness with all of life....
He would become aware of holes that he may make in the world...
Those hurts... miscalculations... injustices... on anyone and anything...
Even... all those little... unnoticeable holes he may make...
And seek to mend them...
Seek to make all of life's fabric whole again...
Or life may scar itself over that hole...
So that it is hard to ignore.
We need to be the adults in the world.

To master something, one does not push down from the top...
One pushes up from the bottom.
Force is not a cure nor an answer...
Force is the nullification of something.

To genuinely resolve any problem,
One must understand that problem
And all those pieces that are parts of that problem.
It requires a diligence... even a love...
In order to discover the needs of life.

What we may see as societal illness... even violence...
Is a manifestation of an imbalance in the fabric of life.
Like earth's geological plates
That inch forward until something breaks,
The forces within all of life move towards each other
And will eventually cause a fault to fail.
An innate imbalance rises to the top...
And emerges... like a truth that cannot be denied...
And is manifested in many ways...
Violence only being one of those ways.

As enlightened creatures,
We ought to see past the symptoms of life's aberrations
And learn to recognize the causes.
Beyond all will... truth is being unfolded.

We are highly influenced by the society
In which we must find a way to live...
Live with a sense of dignity...
With a sense that we matter in this world.
And so...
To violate anyone... is a form of violence...
To nullify anyone... is a form of murder...
Each... contributing to the excuses
For outright violence and outright murder.

And... when any creature feels that it does not matter,
It becomes susceptible to mental illness and even violence.
To say that anything or anyone is not viable...
Is out of order... out of tune... and an untruth.

Our innate natures are too brilliant
To really ever believe that we are nothing...
No matter how humble our state of life.
And... to claim that anyone is of no account
Is an untruth... nullifies them...
And can make an even bigger hole in life...
A hole that our own brilliant minds can perceive.

We are too close to truth and to life
To not recognize the brilliance of our intellects.
We sorely underestimate ourselves.

We must all come to terms with this Truth... this wholeness.
We must see all of life as a whole thing with many wonderful facets...
As though we stood on a mountain
Looking out over all that is in this world...
All that ever was... and all that ever will be.
We... each... participate in this truth of life.

There are true paths...
There are courses that life follows
As it finds its way towards the truth.
Although they might seem to intersect
Or to be piled one on top of the other...
With one truth portraying another truth...
Each valley of life is its own.
The courses are only parallel, they do not intersect.
What may seem to be comparable is the path... not its truth.

We can find light in one path to guide us on another,
But... they are their own truths.
Life is too full... to reduce it to such simplicity.
Each... is its own... following its own path.
Each... is a only a step towards a greater truth.
Each... connected in one way... or another.

We are compelled towards the truth
By the survival of our planet itself.
We must come to terms with it.

When we abandon the natural world... we make life unstable.
And when life breaks... or fails...
It manifests whole gashes in the fabric of life...
It manifests aberrations of un-wholeness and ill health...
It is life's own manifestation of truth...
One that we must grasp and understand.

Chapter 6:   Defining Doctrines

Covenant Index
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