You Will Never Know

October 4, 2011

There has always been a singular truth
That lay watchful at the doorstep...
That stalked in the shadows...
That nullified chords of harmony
And neutralized all joy...
And... satisfaction...

There has always been that singular truth
No matter how it all turned out...
If you ever came back to me
Or... if you never showed...
There is something...
That could never be changed.

There is this truth.
My feelings were manipulated.
My emotions were... tampered with.
Like playing a trump card
In a game of pairs and runs...
There was... something missing...
Some... natural feel...
Some... foothold on facts...
Trumped by moves and manipulations...
By... seductions.

If I were a mindless creature...
Who was flattered easily...
Who... thought of seduction
As a personal compliment...
Who believed that...
That... feelings are fickle anyway
And there is no such thing as truth...
And... that all of life is just illusion...
I might have fallen.

I would not... fall...
Flattering as it may all have been.

The truth will never be known...
I... will never know it.
And plead as you might
You... will never know it.
Like... taking a love potion...
Whatever truth there might have been
Was lost in the doing.

Did I love you?
I will never know...
And you... will never know, either.

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