Walking All Over Me

June 6, 2015

I've seen them walking... walking...
Walking all over me.
I knew they were walking... walking...
Walking all over me.
And... I could say nothing...
That would turn them back and away.

When I have to ask...
For a gentle word...
For a kind gesture...
For... forgiveness... I suppose...
I wonder... if it's even better
Than... saying nothing at all.

To... have to... ask.

I know what they say...
I know how they are...
Strange creatures from a hostile planet
Who landed on my doorstep
Just to walk all over me.
I know they think it's all on me...
To demand respect...
Or... earn... it.
I know what they say.

Or... am I... the alien...?

I don't think they know...
They don't know what I can see...
I see those spirits... like shadows...
Like neon in their eyes...
Like growls under their breath...
Like readiness for the mating...
And needing an outlet to suffice...
Needing that personal satisfaction
At any cost.

I've seen them.

Is it for me... to teach...?
Is it my place... to reprimand...?
Was there a lapse of cognizance...?
Do they need a reminder...?
Did someone not know good manners...?
Am I left to fill the void...?

Are we all... errant children...? here...?

In the end...
Whether they like or do not like...
Whether they care or do not care...
Whether they are smiling or... otherwise...
All I can feel... is them walking...
Walking all over me.

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