
October 18, 2015

I've had to find my own way to freedom.
I've had to find my own way to truths.
I've looked at philosophies... ideas... conspiracy theories...
I've studied the Bible and other religious concepts...
I've looked for it in rock 'n roll music...
In revolutionary movements...
And... I ended up with little to show for it.

What is the truth...?
What is the way...? the path...?
I had a depth of understanding about some things...
But... this crazy world... had me stumped.
Something was very wrong...
Or... was it really that... EVERYTHING was wrong...

I believed that... God... would finally show me the answer...
Because... I had done all that I knew to do...
All that was humanly possible...
The other options... risked too much...
The other options... jeapardized my whole world.
And so... I waited... for... God.

There are answers.
And then... there are answers.

Was it last year...? that it happened...?
When I... stopped... believing in God...?
Or... was it the year before...?

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