Poetry & Essay Index

Dark House

February 6, 2012

I stepped through the door
And... down... down... the stairs.

The door was slammed behind me...
And... I was in the dark...
In the doom that grows deeper
With each step...
With each moment...
As the dark embraces you
And holds you in its lair.

No escape.

Like a journey through a haunted house
I made my way...
Feeling the walls as I went...
Testing the doors...
Doors that did not open...
Doors that opened only into more darkness...
Rooms that had no windows...
Rooms that had no exits...
Rooms mussed with dusty debris...
Rooms that seemed to echo
Only creaks and whooshes
And distant pleadings...

No escape.

Then... stairs...
Stairs that creaked and moaned...
That led up to a large room
Lit by slivers... slivers of light...
Exposing each crack and crevice
Of a house... once full of life...
Now... making its way into the dust.

Was the black surrendering to the light?
Or was the black... blocking it?
Was all this... just a vision...
Where blackness made its own stories
That the light would surely dispel
If it came all the way through
And revealed the secrets
As little more than old dust.

The dark... like a monster...
Was full of the demons of my own mind
That... in the light...
Proved to be... dust...
And... like... everything...
The dust is all over us...
Over us all...
As we make our way through the dark.

Poetry & Essay Index

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