Poetry & Essay Index

Beautiful Gifts

June 19, 2011

I think that "making love" is a gift we give.
We don't really... make love... so much...
As it is... we give our gifts.
All we are... is there.

And in our days...
Sometimes the simplest of things...
Something someone said...
A beautiful leaf or wildflower...
That reminded me of you...
A moment that brought you to mind...
A memory to share...
A sweet thing to brighten a day...
Are gifts we get... and share.

Some gifts are exquisite...
And too beautiful and rare...
Too sweet... too raw...
Too close to the heart...
That we hold them delicately
Like fine crystal...
Or a fragile flower bud...
Caring for that... beautiful thing...
That rests closest to a heart.

We make love... in lots of ways...
And each... is a gift... a piece of heart...
Feeling... movement...
Giving... appreciating...
Offering... enjoying...
The moments of... all we are.

Poetry & Essay Index

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